- Blinklist
Easily view your links from any computer and save a copy offline. Links are automatically organized and searched faster than Google.
LINK: http://blinklist.com/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- BuddyMarks
Store all your bookmarks on-line and be able to get to them from anywhere. Home, school, the library... at work, leisure, even on vacation in Tahiti. You can easily upload the bookmarks you already have, and adding new ones is as easy as the way you bookm
LINK: http://buddymarks.com/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- Connotea
For clinicians and scientists, saving references in Connotea is quick and easy. You do it by saving a link to a web page for the reference, whether that be the PubMed entry, the publisher's PDF, or even an Amazon product page for a book.
LINK: http://www.connotea.org/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- Delicious
Delicious is the place to collect and showcase your passions from across the web. Save what you like - videos, pictures, tweets, blog posts, or articles - on topics you enjoy and search through others’ collections of links to discover cool stuff!
LINK: http://delicious.com/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- Digg
A user driven social content site, it combines social bookmarking, blogging, and syndication with a form of non-hierarchical, democratic editorial control
LINK: http://digg.com/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- Diigo
Diigo provides a browser add-on that can really improve your research productivity. As you read on the web, instead of just bookmarking, you can highlight portions of web pages that are of particular interest to you. You can also attach sticky notes to sp
LINK: http://www.diigo.com/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- Fark
A social bookmarking site to submit funny, strange and amusing posts. If you have a site with funny images, it would be a great site to submit your posts to. Or any other offbeat news
LINK: http://www.fark.com/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- folkd
a simple website and easy to use browser buttons which allow you to ave your favourite links and bookmarks online and access them from anywhere at any time, vote links up or down, and search for popular links.
LINK: http://www.folkd.com/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- Inbound
The goal of Inbound.org is to enable great content from the world of inbound marketing to get noticed. There's an amazing community of bloggers, marketers and enthusiasts passionate about non-paid channels like SEO, social media, content marketing, co
LINK: http://inbound.org/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- oneview
Discover the latest news and the best websites with the help of the eyes of so many others. Use oneview for private matters only, like a safe deposit box, or as a public space and benefit from knowledge shared with/by others.
LINK: http://www.oneview.com/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- reddit
reddit is a great example of a site that has become far more than simply a social-networking or link-sharing utility and has grown into a real online community that can get things done.
LINK: http://www.reddit.com/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- Social-Bookmarking.net
A web 2.0 network where you can browse and submit news, products, bookmarks, images, profiles and videos. Feel free to submit your content.
LINK: http://www.social-bookmarking.net/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- StumbleUpon
Helps discover great sites, videos and photos from around the Web. Indicate your interests, and start Stumbling.
LINK: http://www.stumbleupon.com/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- Tagza
Tagza.com is a social bookmarking web site for web users to save/submit their favourite interesting links. Our users (you!) submit stories to the site and other users decide by their voting power which gets a submitted link to the front page.
LINK: http://tagza.com/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites
- ZooTool
ZooTool is a great social bookmarking website that also has an iPhone application. You can create folders and submit your articles in a folder, making their retrieval later on a breeze.
LINK: http://zootool.com/ CATEGORY: Social Bookmarking Sites